Monday, May 21, 2018



Schizophyllum commune is a mushroom of phylum basidiomycota, Schizophyllaceae family, with worldwide distribution that colonizes diverse trees and rotting woods. During rain showers they opened up and were soft, pliable and more colorful – only to turn back to their hard and white stage when the sun came out again. They deserve a second look, especially their gills, because these are unique among mushrooms. The gills are split on the tips and the edges curl outwards; It is found in the wild on decaying trees after rainy seasons followed by dry spells where the mushrooms are naturally collected. Buller, a mycologist who was a keen observer of everything that has to do with spore production and dispersal, found out that even after two years of drought, a split gill fruitbody would spring back to life and start forming spores again when wetted. In wet weather, when the conditions for spore germination are ideal, they straighten out. Then the hymenium, where the spores are formed, is exposed and offspring can be sent out into the world. Split gills are the only fungi with this mechanism, and the anatomy of their fruitbodies is different from all other gilled mushrooms. Basically, they are formed by a fusion of several separate, smoothsurfaced, up-side-down cups in which, secondarily, the gills are formed. But these gills are not of the same type of tissue as in your Amanita. It is known for its high medicinal value and aromatic taste profile. It has recently attracted the medicinal industry for its immunomodulatory, antifungal, antineoplastic and antiviral activities that are higher than those of any other glucan complex carbohydrate.

Infections originating from this fungus are rare in humans. Diverse clinical cases include chronic or allergic sinusitis, pulmonary disease, ulcerative lesions of the palate, atypical meningitis, cerebral abscess, and possible onychomycosis, which can occur in immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals. Infective propagules in this fungus are air transported, thus, most frequently compromising the paranasal sinuses; hence, the most common affliction is sinusitis that presents three clinical manifestations: allergy, chronic, noninvasive, and invasive (acute or chronic). Well-documented cases of S. commune infections include allergic bronchopulmonary disease, fungus ball in the lung, repeated isolation from the sputum of a patient with chronic lung disease, ulcerative lesions of the hard palate, and a nail infection. The isolation of S. commune from cerebrospinal fluid in a patient manifesting signs of atypical meningitis has been reported.
Fungal sinusitis is a rare entity that has increased in recent years in immunocompetent individuals. It reveals three clinical manifestations: allergic, chronic, noninvasive, and invasive. The allergic manifestation involves immunocompetent patients, and it is characterized by allergic mucin with eosinophils and Charcot-Leyden crystals, as well as increased serum IgE. The chronic noninvasive manifestation affects immunocompetent individuals and does not cause mucosal or blood vessel invasion. The invasive manifestation occurs in immunosuppressed individuals with tissue and vascular invasion.

Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).,
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Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives.
Mushroom is Therapy.

Pictures by: Mamaland Gallery.
Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).

Monday, April 16, 2018



Fungus-growing termites (Macrotermitinae, Isoptera) have practiced farming with their fungal symbionts of the basidiomycete genus Termitomyces (Lyophyllaceae, Agaricales) as the cultivars since ca. 24–34 million years ago in the African rainforest. Decomposing activity on plant matters of Termitomyces symbionts appears complemented by that of termite gut microbiota, which was suggested by analyzing annotated draft genomes from Macrotermes natalensis and its Termitomyces symbiont along with gut metagenomes from individuals of various termite castes.

Fungus-growing termites, much as leaf-cutting ants, cultivate only one fungal symbiont in a colony, which is widely accepted as a genotypic monoculture involving only one genotype of a particular Termitomyces species. This is in sharp contrast to genotypic polycultures and species polycultures, which are commonly adopted in human agriculture and have widely been perceived as better farming practices than monocultures, because diverse systems can be more productive, stable, and resistant to invasions than less diverse systems.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Phone: +255621-080 300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.
Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives.
Mushroom is Therapy.
Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Friday, March 2, 2018



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On behalf of the administration, departments and staffs of Mamaland Mushroom Farms we thank Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO-Morogoro) and PPF Pensions Fund for included us in the Entreprenuerial symposium on Entreprenuership and Small Industries Development on Feb 27, 2018 at SIDO Conference Hall-Morogoro. We thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions and we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future of small industries will be even more of a success.
...primary goal of this conference was to bring together global entreprenuers, professionals, friends and partners under one roof to discuss the issues facing small industries and to develop possible strategies as to how the entreprenuers can become aware and more engaged in initiatives taking place in small industries sector.

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Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Phone: +255621080300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:- Mamaland Mushroom Farms.
© Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mushroom Research and Development Initiative (MRADI): L.E.A.R.N (Love Environment and Reliable Nutriceuticals) Program.

Mushroom Research and Development Initiative (MRADI):
L.E.A.R.N (Love Environment and Reliable Nutriceuticals) Program.



Mushroom research, cultivation and development are an initiative of Love Environment And Reliable Nutriceuticals (LEARN) Programme funded by Mamaland Mushroom Farms(2015) and Afrikasili Mushroom Research, Training and Development Centre.
L.E.A.R.N, which is a vision, a concept, and a philosophy that aims to catalyze the application of Science and Technology towards food security and the creation of employment opportunities especially for rural women and the unemployed youth. The concept includes enhancement of people’s health and socio-economic welfare; the production of sustainable development and environmental regeneration in rural and urban communities. 

L.E.A.R.N Program aims at providing affordable options that are viable and suitable to generate income that can contribute to the reduction of poverty for the people in Tanzania’s rural and urban communities by promoting mushroom farming and mushroom consumption. Thus the project further aims to transfer scientific technology and skills to communities to make productive use of byproducts of agricultural food processing otherwise deemed a waste. Within the Afrikasili Mushroom Research, Training and Development Centre (AMRTDC) and Mamaland Mushroom Farms(2015), the LEARN Program focuses on mushroom research by domestication of indigenous edible and medicinal mushrooms as well as product development from cultivated indigenous and exotic mushrooms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Phone: +255682757566/ +255621080300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:- Mamaland Mushroom Farms.

© Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Sunday, August 27, 2017



A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi and are therefore usually found in close association with tree roots. Spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores.Since the times of the Greeks and Romans these fungi have been used in Europe as delicacies, as aphrodisiacs, and as medicines. They are among the most expensive of the world's natural foods, often commanding as much as $3600 to $1000 per pound of white and black truffles respectively.

 Truffles are harvested with the aid of female pigs or truffle dogs, which are able to detect the strong smell of mature truffles underneath the surface of the ground. The female pig becomes excited when she sniffs a chemical that is similar to the male swine sex attractant.
The flavor of the truffle is directly related to its aroma. The chemicals necessary for the odor to develop are created only after the spores are mature enough for release, so they must be collected at the proper time or they will have little taste. This is the only sure indication that the mushrooms are ready to be harvested. That is why animals have proven to be the best means of assuring that the fungi collected will be flavorful.
Truffles are also found in North Africa, in the Middle East, and in North America.

Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Phone: +255682757566/ +255621080300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:- Mamaland Mushroom Farms.
© Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Friday, August 18, 2017

L.E.A.R.N (Love Environment and Reliable Nutriceuticals) Programme.

L.E.A.R.N (Love Environment and Reliable Nutriceuticals) Programme.


L.E.A.R.N (Love Environment and Reliable Nutriceuticals) Programme.
Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015), Afrikasili Mushroom Research, Training and Development Centre.
"There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning."
- Christopher Morley.

Learning is the begining of wealth. Learning is the begining of health. Learning is the begining of spiritually. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. The great Breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.
Copies are available for public use to help you jumpstart on Mushroom Entreprenuership.
Get in quick to get your printed copy. Sold copies of are available.
To get your copy of the Article, call +255682-757566 or +255621-080300 or to buy your copy.

Kopi znapatikana kwa matumizi ya Umma ili kuwasaidia wanaotaka kufanya ujasiriamali kwa kuzalisha Uyoga. Pata kopi yako haraka ya Mwangaza wa Ujasiriamali wa Uyoga. Kopi za kuuzwa.Ili upate kopi yako ya makala, piga +255682-757566 au +255621-080300 au ili kununua kopi yako.


Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Phone: +255682757566/ +255621080300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:- Mamaland Mushroom Farms.
© Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017




A dawn of Mushroom Entreprenuership is available for public use to help you jumpstart on Mushroom Entreprenuership.
Get in quick to get your printed copy of A dawn of Mushroom Entreprenuership. Sold copies of A dawn of Mushroom Entreprenuership are available for only 5,000/=.
To get your copy of the Article, call +255682-757566 or +255621-080300 or to buy your copy.
Makala ya Mwangaza wa Ujasiriamali wa Uyoga inapatikana kwa matumizi ya Umma ...ili kuwasaidia wanaotaka kufanya ujasiriamali kwa kuzalisha Uyoga. Pata kopi yako haraka ya Mwangaza wa Ujasiriamali wa Uyoga. Kopi za kuuzwa zinapatikana kwa sh.5,000/=.
Ili upate kopi yako ya makala, piga +255682-757566 au +255621-080300 au ili kununua kopi yako.
Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).
Phone: +255682757566/ +255621080300.
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:- Mamaland Mushroom Farms.

© Mamaland Mushroom Farms (2015).  

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Friday, July 28, 2017



Spawn is the vegetative mycelium from a selected mushroom grown on a convenient medium like wheat, millet, sorghum, etc for mushroom production. It essentially involves preparation of pure culture of mushroom from tissues/spores that is generally maintained on appropiate growing medium, followed by culturing on sterilized grains and further multiplied on grains. The spawn thus comprises of mycelium of the mushroom and a supporting medium which provides nutrition to the fungus during its growth. Before the advent of grain spawn, different kinds of spawn used were natural or Virgin spawn (from the pastures & meadows), Flake spawn (breaking of beds through which mushroom mycelium has run), Milltrack spawn (bricks dried and made from mixture of horse dung, cow dung and loan soil) and manure spawn (on sterilized horse manure or compost manure).
       Oyster mushrooms are by far the easiest and least expensive to grow. For small cultivators with limited budgets, oyster mushrooms are the clear choice for gaining entry into gourmet mushroom industry. Pleurotus species grow on a wider array of forest and agricultural wastes than species from any other group. Pleurotus species can best serve to reduce hunger in developing nations and to revitalize rural economics. Most extraordinary about the oyster mushrooms is their conversion of substrate mass into the mushrooms (Paul stamets, 1993).
       Pleurotus species are efficient lignin degraders, which can grow on different agricultural wastes with broad adaptability to varied agro-climatic conditions (Jandiak & Goyal 1995).
Mushroom cultivation is compatible with other farming and horticultural activities. It can be regarded as a very efficient system in recycling with no waste from production to consumption. Mushrooms both add flavor to bland staple foods and are a valuable food in their own right; they are often considered to provide a fair substitute to meat, with at least a comparable nutritional value to many vegetables. The consumption of mushrooms can make a valuable addition to the often unbalanced diets of people in developing countries (Elaine Marshall and N.G (Tan) Nair, 2009).
           Pleurotus species contain high potassium to sodium ratio, which makes mushrooms an ideal food for patients suffering from hypertension & heart diseases. Recently, mushrooms have become attractive as functional foods and as a source of physiologically beneficial medicines, while being devoid of undesirable side effects (Sadler M, 2003). 

Mushrooms are known to be medically active in several therapies, such as antitumour, antibacterial, antiviral, haematological and immunomodulating treatments (Wasser, 2002; Lindequist et al., 2005).


Mamaland Mushroom Farms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.
-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Department of Spawn Laboratory, Mamaland Mushroom Farms(2015)

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017



Mushroom industry is a new and small in Tanzania. This industry, however, is growing as one of the sources of food and a new source of wealth for farmers. There are many potentialities of this industry, although the industry faces issues and challenges that could slow down its development from the perspective of growers. The production issues are related to managing the hot weather, supply of low quality spawns and the increase in production cost. In general, the demand for oyster mushroom is more than the quantity supplied by growers. Thus, there is no competition in marketing the oyster mushroom, especially in Tanzania. The higher demand resulted in a higher price. The price of oyster mushroom is determined by marketers. However, the marketers still need to strategize the marketing effort by fulfilling the consumer needs and wants. The mushroom industry has the potential to be developed due to higher demand from local and global consumers.

Marketing agricultural product is considered to be a very challenging and complex effort. It involves moving of products from farm-gate to retail consumers. It is a dynamic process and involves a number of ownership changes and economic activities such as harvesting, processing, storage, transporting and retailing. Furthermore, the marketing of agriculture food products requires some public rules such as grading and standards, food-safety policies, market information and future markets. The marketing of agriculture food products is very different from marketing of agriculture commodities in general. Some uniqueness of agriculture food products is their short shelf life, non-uniform size, colour, physical shape and taste. The other important distinguishing characteristic of agriculture food products is the remoteness of the farms from the final consumers. Thus, these characteristics require special handling treatments and marketing strategies.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.
Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.
Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Friday, June 16, 2017


International Day of the African Child takes place on June 16, 2017. The Day of the African Child has been celebrated every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organization of African Unity. It honors those who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 on that day. It also raises awareness of the continuing need for improvement of the education provided to African children. In Soweto, South Africa, on June 16, 1976, about ten thousand black school children marched in a column more than half a mile long, protesting the poor quality of their education and demanding their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of young students were shot, the most famous of which being Hector Peterson. More than a hundred people were killed in the protests of the following two weeks, and more than a thousand were injured.
The Day of the African Child (DAC) 2017 will be observed Under the theme The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for Children in Africa: Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunity. The Child friendly version is Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunities for children in Africa by 2030. Mamaland Mushroom Farms,is part of the efforts to elevate child protection agenda in conflict situation in Africa as well as a guarantee the protection and preservation of life and well-being of the African children. 

DAC 2017 is commemorated every year on 16 June.Under the theme Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunities for children in Africa by 2030we should reduce deaths of children under five which over 54% contributed by Protein-Energy Malnutrition (P.E.M) by using alternative protein source which are Soya and Mushrooms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.
-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017



     Women are the backbone of the development of rural and national economies. They comprise 43% of the world’s agricultural labor force, which rises to 70% in some countries.
In Africa, 80% of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, who are mostly rural women. Women comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector, but do not have access and control over all land and productive resources.
During the last ten years, many African countries have adopted new land laws in order to strengthen women’s land ownership rights. This has helped improve the situation of rural women.
To this effect, the lack of appreciation of the role of rural women in agriculture is harmful and gives rise to a lack of specific policies, policies which are misdirected, high levels of poverty, illiteracy and non-involvement in the design and planning of programs and policies, which involves a process of mutual learning that reflects the real and specific needs of rural women.

 Despite the important roles they play in agricultural economies, rural women in Africa suffer from the highest illiteracy rates and are the most visible face of poverty.
Women guarantee livelihoods, especially in rural areas. As a result of their great efforts in agricultural production, women’s production helps to guarantee their self-sustenance.
This is still not enough, however, to cover other needs, such as health care, paying for the education of their children or the acquisition of other products and goods which are necessary on a day-to-day basis since they have a limited financial capacity caused by an inefficient supply chain and poor conservation of their surpluses.
Connected with these problems there is also the issue of climate change, which includes irregular rainfall, floods, droughts and cyclones, whose effects have a greater impact on rural women and make their life difficult.
Rural women have to walk, moreover, long distances to carry water and fetch firewood, which is harmful for the health of humans, causing high rates of infant and maternal mortality, reversing progress in education and endangering food sovereignty, as well as food security and nutrition.

     The training of rural women is very important, especially with the adoption of modern agricultural techniques that are tailored to local conditions and that use natural resources in a sustainable manner, with a view to achieving economic development without degrading the environment.
It requires the dissemination of the results of research carried out by experts - including those on agro-ecological techniques -with a view to increasing Rural Women’s production levels.
To this effect, it must be pointed out that agro-ecological practices require the provision of certain public goods, such as extension services, storage facilities, rural infrastructure (roads, electricity, and information and communication technologies), access to markets and access to credit, as well as supporting organizations and farmer cooperatives. 
       Governments have a key role to play in relation thereto, as well as supporting the access to land, water and seeds by rural women who are involved in small-scale agriculture.
Giving support to rural women is a way of breaking the vicious cycle that leads to rural poverty and to the expansion of slums in the cities, where the poor get poorer. Development strategies should consider rural women as the epicenter, paying special attention to their social skills both within and without agriculture sector.

      We,as an agribusiness venture (Mamaland Mushroom Farms) we are recognizing the role that rural women play and the contribution that they make in networks and cooperatives, giving them greater support and involving them in the training and conducting of development programs that enhance women's role in agricultural production.
Networks operating in rural areas, especially rural women's organizations, are partners to be involved in the conception of development programs.
#BeBoldForChange (08/03/2017).

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Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

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6 Easy Steps to Grow Oyster Mushrooms-Part 1.

MAMALAND MUSHROOM FARM. 6 Easy Steps to Grow Oyster Mushrooms. Mushrooms are best grown indoors where the temperature and lig...