developing countries mushroom cultivation is gaining more attention as a
possibility to use agricultural by-products, and to help alleviate poverty
and food insecurity.
mushroom species are rather easy to grow while others demand more
specific cultivation methods and temperature. In general, the life cycle
of a crop is rather short (varying from some weeks to a few months).
Once the cropping cycle is completed the spent mushroom
substrate/compost can be used as a soil conditioner, or in some
cases as animal feed.
Mamaland Mushroom Farm describes the simplest procedure; i.e. mushroom
cultivation on substrates that only need heat treatment. Its aim is to exchange knowledge information on small-scale
sustainable agriculture and related topics. The target group is the
underprivileged population in rural areas. Mamaland Mushrooms Farm's main objective is
to strengthen the self-reliance of the target group and to improve their
livelihood by sharing experience and knowledge.This course trains new and experienced farmers in the background,
techniques, and economics of farm scale commercial mushroom production.
At the completion of this course, you will:
- Understand of the basics of mushroom production, harvesting, and marketing,
- Be able to complete a basic marking plan and budget for a mushroom enterprise,
- Understand the logistics of management, sales, and legal issues related to mushroom farming.
For more information contact us through:-
Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.