Mushroom industry is a new and
small in Tanzania. This industry, however, is growing as one of the
sources of food and a new source of wealth for farmers. There are many potentialities
of this industry, although the industry faces issues and challenges that could
slow down its development from the perspective of growers. The production issues
are related to managing the hot weather, supply of low quality spawns and the
increase in production cost. In general, the demand for oyster mushroom is more
than the quantity supplied by growers. Thus, there is no competition in
marketing the oyster mushroom, especially in Tanzania. The higher demand
resulted in a higher price. The price of oyster mushroom is determined by
marketers. However, the marketers still need to strategize the marketing effort
by fulfilling the consumer needs and wants. The mushroom
industry has the potential to be developed due to higher demand from local and
global consumers.
Marketing agricultural
product is considered to be a very challenging and complex effort. It involves
moving of products from farm-gate to retail consumers. It is a dynamic process
and involves a number of ownership changes and economic activities such as
harvesting, processing, storage, transporting and retailing. Furthermore, the
marketing of agriculture food products requires some public rules such as
grading and standards, food-safety policies, market information and future
markets. The marketing of agriculture food products is very different from
marketing of agriculture commodities in general. Some uniqueness of agriculture
food products is their short shelf life, non-uniform size, colour, physical
shape and taste. The other important distinguishing characteristic of agriculture
food products is the remoteness of the farms from the final consumers. Thus,
these characteristics require special handling treatments and marketing
Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
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Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.