Wednesday, August 17, 2016



MAMALAND MUSHROOM FARMS wakishirikiana na FADECO COMMUNITY RADIO ya Karagwe mkoani Kagera, wanawaletea fursa mbalimbali zitokanazo na KILIMO HAI CHA UYOGA KIBIASHARA kwa wakazi wa karagwe na maeneo jirani.
UYOGA ni kati ya mazao yenye faida kubwa kiuchumi na kiafya pia. Baadhi ya faida za UYOGA kiuchumi na kiafya ni kama zifuatazo:

  •  Kiasi kidogo sana cha fedha za uwekezaji kinahitajika,
  •  Fedha iliyowekezwa inaweza kurudi ndani ya muda mfupi sana,
  •  Masaa machache yanahitajika katika kilimo cha Uyoga,
  •  Hurudisha faida kwa muda mfupi kuliko mazao mengine (mavuno ni ndani ya siku 26),
  •  Mkulima huendelea kuvuna kwa miezi mitatu hadi mitano,
  •  Haihitaji mtaji mkubwa, huchukua nafasi ndogo ya kuzalishia/kulima,
  •  Haigharimu muda wa kuhudumia shamba, wastani wa masaa 4 kwa wiki,
  • Haihitaji mbolea wala madawa ya kufukuza wadudu,

Faida za Kiafya ni kama ifuatavyo:

  •  Hupunguza kiwango cha rehemu mwilini,
  •  Huzuia saratani za aina mbalimbali,
  •  Huboresha kinga ya mwili dhidi ya magonjwa,
  •  Ni chanzo cha madini ya chuma na zinki,
  •  Husaidia kupunguza uzito wa mwili,
  •  Chanzo kizuri cha Vitamini D,
  •  Haina mafuta yaletayo maradhi ya moyo.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy.  

Friday, August 12, 2016



Leo tulikuwa na mahojiano ya moja kwa moja na FADECO Community Radio ya Karagwe mkoani Kagera.Tumechambua kwa upana kuhusiana na yahusikayo katika uzalishaji wa uyoga kama ajira na njia mbadala ya kujiongezea kipato,kupunguza utapia mlo utokanao na ukosefu wa protini na kupambana umaskini.Asanteni kwa kutambua jitihada zetu za kuelimisha umma juu ya mapambano dhidi ya lishe duni ambayo ni mwiba mkali kwa taifa letu kwa sasa.Tanzania ni nchi ya tatu kwa udumavu chini ya jangwa la Sahara unaosababishwa na utapiamlo utokanao na ukosefu wa protini na nguvu (Protein-Energy Malnutrition) nyuma ya Ethiopia na Jamhuri ya kidemokrasia ya Congo.Shukrani kwa FADECO RADIO (100.8 FM),watangazaji Jorida Faustine na Joseph Sekiku pamoja na wasikilizaji wote waliopata nafasi ya kutusikia.Asanteni.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. ‪#‎Mushroom_Is_Therapy‬.

Monday, August 8, 2016



Taasisi ya CHIPUA na MAMALAND MUSHROOM FARMS kwa kushirikiana na CHUO KIKUU CHA USHIRIKA MOSHI – MWANZA, wanawaletea fursa mbalimbali zitokanazo na KILIMO HAI CHA UYOGA KIBIASHARA.
UYOGA ni kati ya mazao yenye faida kubwa kiuchumi na kiafya pia. Baadhi ya faida za UYOGA kiuchumi na kiafya ni kama zifuatazo:
¨ Kiasi kidogo sana cha fedha za uwekezaji kinahitajika
¨ Fedha iliyowekezwa inaweza kurudi ndani ya muda mfupi sana
¨ Masaa machache yanahitajika katika kilimo cha Uyoga
¨ Hurudisha faida kwa muda mfupi kuliko mazao mengine (mavuno ni ndani ya siku 26)
¨ Mkulima huendelea kuvuna kwa miezi mitatu hadi mitano.
¨ Haihitaji mtaji mkubwa, huchukua nafasi ndogo ya kuzalishia/kulima
¨ Haigharimu muda wa kuhudumia shamba, wastani wa masaa 4 kwa wiki
¨ Haihitaji mbolea wala madawa ya kufukuza wadudu.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. ‪#‎Mushroom_Is_Therapy‬.

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016



Did you know that we have 5 basic tastes– not four? It was once thought that our four basic tastes were comprised of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter; every food that we ate was a various combination of these four tastes.
However, as early as 1910, a Japanese researcher found that we actually have sensory cells that detect a fifth taste, called savory or umami. Umami is a meaty or savory taste. The word umami is the Japanese name for this taste, a term that has gained in popularity and is now commonly used to refer to this fifth taste.
The “umami” taste, which is somewhat similar to the taste of a meat broth, is usually caused by glutamic acid or aspartic acid. These two amino acids are part of many different proteins found in food, and also in some plants. Ripe tomatoes, meat and cheese all contain a lot of glutamic acid. Asparagus, for example, contains aspartic acid. Chinese cuisine uses glutamate, the glutamic acid salt, as flavor enhancers. This is done to make the savory taste of foods more intense.

Mushrooms are perceived to have a similar flavor to meat. For example, oyster mushrooms, shiitake, have a similar flavor to meat, lion’s mane to seafood, and crisped shiitake mushrooms to bacon. For this reason, in addition to the fact that mushrooms contain protein (350 calories of oyster mushrooms contains 33 grams of protein or 340 calories worth of shiitake mushrooms contain 22.4 grams of protein) that many people are turning to mushrooms as a meat substitute. Now we can see why mushrooms are becoming one of the fastest growing, healthy, unprocessed meat substitutes.

Don’t take our word for it, though. We encourage you to see for yourself. Try eating your own shiitake or oyster mushrooms at home to make the umami flavor a regular part of your meals.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015),
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Thursday, July 21, 2016



Unaweza kuweka oda yako ya mbegu kuanzia Leo mpaka tarehe 8-8-2016.Katika mbegu kumi ulizoagiza,Utapata moja bure.Unaweka oda kupitia +255(0)682-757566 Au barua-pepe SANA.Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. 

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015),
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

Saturday, July 16, 2016




Have you already attempted growing mushrooms but experienced problems due to contamination?*
**If you have, then our MUSHROOM PRODUCTION:An  Illustrated  Guide is for you!**
 By following our highly effective and easy to implement mushroom growing guide, you will save yourself the time and frustration that comes with learning how to cultivate mushrooms on your own.
Why the Guide is for you?  
-Easy to Implement

One notable difference that sets my guide apart from other guides on the market is that I have divided the growing process into two parts.  This allows you to concentrate on only one part at a time and you can get started without having to buy everything all at once.  
-A Highly Refined and Proven Technique.-Save yourself all of the time and frustration that I went through while learning how to grow mushrooms on my own. 
-Contaminate Resistant Formula. -Learn the exact materials and techniques I use that contamination is almost a non-issue when following this guide.
• Perfect for Beginners or Intermediate Growers-The technique outlined in my guide, is an easier and more effective method for both beginners and intermediate growers..
• Affordable Start up Costs and Minimal Recurring Costs-Almost all of the growing equipment is re-usable and only needs to be purchased once. Besides the cost of this guide, if you have to purchase all the required materials, the total cost will be comparably low.Most of the non-reusable ingredients are sold in quantities large enough to last for at least two grows.
• Produces a Good Yield -The great thing about my method is that even though the process is easy to implement, the results are very good. I typically yield between 1-2 kg of flesh mushrooms per bag!  
• Very Discreet-While the mushrooms are growing, the only thing that is visible is an ordinary mushroom gowing bags.There are no cords, or mechanical devices to make noise or attract attention. 
• Easily Obtainable Growing Materials-All of the materials required to follow my guide can be purchased manually or online.This is convenient because if any of the equipment breaks, it is very easy to replace.  

ONLY FOR TSH.5,000/=,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.


Thursday, July 14, 2016


Mushroom industry is a new and small in Tanzania. This industry, however, is growing as one of the sources of food and a new source of wealth for farmers. There are many potentialities of this industry, although the industry faces issues and challenges that could slow down its development from the perspective of growers. The production issues are related to managing the hot weather, supply of low quality spawns and the increase in production cost. In general, the demand for oyster mushroom is more than the quantity supplied by growers. Thus, there is no competition in marketing the oyster mushroom, especially in Tanzania. The higher demand resulted in a higher price. The price of oyster mushroom is determined by marketers. However, the marketers still need to strategize the marketing effort by fulfilling the consumer needs and wants. The mushroom industry has the potential to be developed due to higher demand from local and global consumers.

Marketing agricultural product is considered to be a very challenging and complex effort. It involves moving of products from farm-gate to retail consumers. It is a dynamic process and involves a number of ownership changes and economic activities such as harvesting, processing, storage, transporting and retailing. Furthermore, the marketing of agriculture food products requires some public rules such as grading and standards, food-safety policies, market information and future markets. The marketing of agriculture food products is very different from marketing of agriculture commodities in general. Some uniqueness of agriculture food products is their short shelf life, non-uniform size, colour, physical shape and taste. The other important distinguishing characteristic of agriculture food products is the remoteness of the farms from the final consumers. Thus, these characteristics require special handling treatments and marketing strategies. 

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


In developing countries mushroom cultivation is gaining more attention as a possibility to use agricultural by-products, and to help alleviate poverty and food insecurity.

Certain mushroom species are rather easy to grow while others demand more specific cultivation methods and temperature. In general, the life cycle of a crop is rather short (varying from some weeks to a few months). Once the cropping cycle is completed the spent mushroom substrate/compost  can be used as a soil conditioner, or in some cases as animal feed. 
     Mamaland Mushroom Farm describes the simplest procedure; i.e. mushroom cultivation on substrates that only need heat treatment. Its aim is to exchange knowledge information on small-scale sustainable agriculture and related topics. The target group is the underprivileged population in rural areas. Mamaland Mushrooms Farm's main objective is to strengthen the self-reliance of the target group and to improve their livelihood by sharing experience and knowledge.This course trains new and experienced farmers in the background, techniques, and economics of farm scale commercial mushroom production.
At the completion of this course, you will:

  • Understand of the basics of mushroom production, harvesting, and marketing,
  • Be able to complete a basic marking plan and budget for a mushroom enterprise,
  • Understand the logistics of management, sales, and legal issues related to mushroom farming. 
After receiving lots of requests for help and support we now run an online course.We’re really inspired by the idea of spread this idea further.Register your interest and we’ll let you know as soon as the course next opens for enrollment.

For more information contact us through:-

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015)., 
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.




Kwa nini uzalishaji wa uyoga ni fursa kubwa? 

-Uzalishaji wa uyoga kibiashara ni njia rahisi kwa makundi mbali mbali ya kijamii kujipatia kipato na kuboresha maisha. 
-Uzalishaji wa uyoga hutoa fursa kwa watu wasiomiliki mashamba kuweza kufanya kilimo hata mijini kwa sababu hakihitaji uwe na shamba. 
-Pia kwa waajiriwa ni rahisi kufanya kilimo-biashara cha uyoga kwa sababu hakihitaji muda mrefu wa huduma kwa siku (masaa manne kwa wiki). 
-Hakihitaji mtaji mkubwa kama ilivozoeleka katika kilimo cha mazao mengi. 
-Hakihitaji mbolea wala dawa za kufukuza wadudu. 
-Hutoa fursa za ajira kwa vijana,vikundi vya kimaendeleo na wakina mama.
-Hurudisha faida ndani ya muda mfupi (unaanza kuvuna ndani ya siku 26 tu) na unavuna kwa miezi mitatu mbele kuanzia siku ya 26 baada ya kupanda.

MAMALAND MUSHROOM FARM tunawaletea mafunzo ya uzalishaji wa uyoga kibiashara kama njia ya kujiongezea kipato popote.
Wasiliana nasi kupitia:- 

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2016)., 
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm.

Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day of the African Child with Malnutrition Reduction Strategies.
June 16, 2017.

International Day of the African Child takes place on June 16, 2017. The Day of the African Child has been celebrated every year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organisation of African Unity. It honors those who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 on that day. It also raises awareness of the continuing need for improvement of the education provided to African children. In Soweto, South Africa, on June 16, 1976, about ten thousand black school children marched in a column more than half a mile long, protesting the poor quality of their education and demanding their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of young students were shot, the most famous of which being Hector Peterson. More than a hundred people were killed in the protests of the following two weeks, and more than a thousand were injured.
The Day of the African Child (DAC) 2017 will be observed Under the theme The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for Children in Africa: Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunity. The Child friendly version is Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunities for children in Africa by 2030. Mamaland Mushroom Farms,is part of the efforts to elevate child protection agenda in conflict situation in Africa as well as a guarantee the protection and preservation of life and well-being of the African children. 

DAC 2017 is commemorated every year on 16 June. Under the theme The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for Children in Africa: Accelerating protection, empowerment and equal opportunity we should reduce deaths of children under five which over 54% contributed by Protein-Energy Malnutrition (P.E.M) by using alternative protein source which are Soya and Mushrooms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farms.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland Mushroom Farm.
-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Health Benefits of Selenium from Oyster Mushrooms-By Dr.Kalonga,AE.

Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in the soil that also appears in certain foods and there are even small amounts in water.

Selenium is an extremely vital mineral for the human body as it increases immunity, takes part in antioxidant activity that defends against free radical damage and inflammation, and plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolism.
According to studies, consuming plenty of naturally occurring selenium has positive antiviral effects, is essential for successful male and female fertility and reproduction, and also reduces the risk of cancer, autoimmune and thyroid diseases.
 Here are just a few ways that selenium benefits your body:-
1. Acts as an Antioxidant & Defends Against Oxidative Stress.
Selenium benefits include the ability to fight the aging process and help the immune system by reducing free radical damage. Selenium has a synergistic effect with other antioxidants like Vitamin E, enabling the body to fight oxidative stress and to defend against cancers like prostate and colon cancer.
Selenium is an essential component of glutathione peroxidase, which is an important enzyme for processes that protect lipids (fats) in cell membranes. Selenium is needed to fight oxidative degradation of cells and to protect against mutation and DNA damage that can cause disease.

2. Helps Defend Against Cancer .
Selenium is especially helpful if you have a weak immune system or a history of cancer in your family. Interventions using selenium treatments at high doses have shown that selenium benefits anti-cancer abilities within the body.
According to studies, selenium is effective at reducing the risk of cancer incidence, cancer caused mortality, and severity of cancers specifically in the liver, prostate, colo-rectal and lungs.
Selenium acts like a little mechanic within the body. It goes into the nucleus of cell where the DNA and genome are stored and finds damage. It attaches to protective antioxidants like glutathione and then works to reduce and repair damage done to DNA, which left uncontrolled could lead to cancerous cell mutation and tumor growth.
It does this because selenium has a special job of activating selenoproteins, acting in an enzymic role that helps antioxidants to do their job best. There is evidence that selenium benefits include not only being able cut cancer risk but also help to slow down existing cancer progression and tumor growth.

 3. Can Help Boost Fertility.
Selenium is required for proper sperm motility and also increases blood flow, two key components involved in conception and beating infertility. Selenium is incorporated in the sperm mitochondria capsule and may affect the behavior and function of the sperm as they move through the vaginal canal.
It appears that both low and high sperm selenium concentrations are reported to have a negative influence on the number of sperm, therefore aiming to meet the recommendation but not to far exceed it is important for fertility.
Some studies also show that selenium may even reduce the risk of miscarriage, however at this point more research has been dedicated to infertility in men than in women when it comes to selenium supplementation.

 4. Regulates Thyroid Function.
Research is now showing, through numerous studies, that there is a link between thyroid metabolism and selenium deficiency. Selenium acts as a catalyst for the production of active thyroid hormones.
If you imagine that your body is a manufacturing facility, the your thyroid would be the main boss in charge of regulating the whole operating system, so when the thyroid isn’t working properly, there are many serious, noticeable consequences.
The thyroid gland controls numerous important everyday body functions including appetite, sleep, temperature, weight, energy, and more.
A problem with proper thyroid function can result in negative symptoms such as irritability, muscle weakness, fatigue, weight gain or loss, trouble sleeping, and many other reactions, therefore acquiring proper amounts of selenium benefits the thyroid and body in many important ways.
A deficiency in selenium is correlated with problems within the thyroid and how it synthesizes the proper hormones, therefore more and more we can see the value of using selenium supplements to treat autoimmune and thyroid disorders.
Selenium acts as a powerful protector of the thyroid and regulates the production of reactive oxygen within the gland, and protects it from antibodies that can create thyroid disease.
5. Boosts Immunity.
According to studies, selenium is needed for the proper functioning of the immune system, and can also be a key nutrient in counteracting the development of viruses including HIV. In patients who already contracted HIV, selenium has been shown to also be useful in slowing down the progression of the disease into AIDS.

6. Helps Reduce Asthma Symptoms.
Observational studies have demonstrated that patients with chronic asthma may have lower levels of selenium. According to studies, when people with asthma took selenium supplements, they experienced less asthma related symptoms than those who took a placebo.
Experts think that selenium supplementation may be a useful add-on treatment to medication for patients with chronic asthma.  However more research is needed before this becomes a regular practice, as they have yet to determine selenium’s full effect on lung function.

7. Improves Blood Flow & Lowers Chance of Heart Disease. 

Low selenium concentrations are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Selenium supplements or an increase of selenium-rich foods may be able to help prevent coronary heart disease.It’s believed that selenium can benefit heart health once again, by its ability to fight inflammation, increase blood flow, reduce free radical oxidative stress, and help with antioxidant activity.

To date, selenium concentrations have been inversely associated with coronary heart disease risk in observational studies, however observational studies can at times lead to misleading evidence and so findings are still inconclusive as to whether selenium will be commonly prescribed for heart disease patients going forward.

8. Increases Longevity.
Studies have shown just how important this vital mineral is to our health and longevity. If you want to live a long, vibrant life, selenium is definitely a mineral you want to include in your diet.
Selenium has also been studied for the treatment of dozens of conditions that range from asthma to arthritis; from thyroid disorder to heart disease. The risk of these conditions increase as we age, so consuming selenium can help to defend the body and contribute to a long life.
Selenium is a trace mineral, which means we only need a small amount of it. However our body is able to flush selenium out of your system somewhat quickly since it plays an actionable role in many important body functions, therefore it’s important to consume it regularly especially as you age in order to take advantage of all of these mentioned selenium benefits.

Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Google+:Mamaland mushroom farm. 

-Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.

Featured Post

6 Easy Steps to Grow Oyster Mushrooms-Part 1.

MAMALAND MUSHROOM FARM. 6 Easy Steps to Grow Oyster Mushrooms. Mushrooms are best grown indoors where the temperature and lig...