Poverty and food insecurity are the main drivers of chronic undernutrition in Tanzania. Chronic undernutrition is the greatest contributor to under-5 mortality and is estimated to cost the country 2.65 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) due to lost revenues from poor cognitive and physical development in early life. It is caused primarily by inadequate access to a diverse and quality diet and poor feeding practices at home.
The economically underprivileged urban communities in Tanzania live without enough to feed on to satisfy their physiological needs especially the micro-nutrient. These communities are resource deprived as they struggle to meet their immediate necessities. The youth unemployment level in Tanzania is estimated to be over 60%. Women are at risk malnutrition and they play a fundamental role at household level inclusive of child care.
Solution: What is the proposed solution?.
-Mushrooms are very nutritious foods, not resource straining to produce and yet still uncommon on the local markets.
-Their nutritional value is almost twice that of vegetables or fruit. They are rich in Vit. B, C & D, mineral elements, dietary fibre and contain substances that may prevent or reduce cancer, heart diseases, diabetes and viral infections.
-The biodegradable bi-products of the gardens can be used as organic manure which is vital for plant growth especially for vegetables and fruits on which man and livestock can feed. -Mushrooms have an overwhelming market demand. The venture is such an ideal source of income and employment opportunities. The project seeks to promote value chain management through preservation, and processing.
Mamaland Mushroom Farm(2015).,
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Fight Back Against Malnutrition,Save Lives. Mushroom is Therapy. #Mushroom_Is_Therapy.